
Arbitration and Mediation Associations in the United States
In 1994, the Department of Justice established the ADA Mediation Program. Initially funded through the ADA Technical Assistance Program, the Mediation Program now operates under a contract with the Key Bridge Foundation.
ADRWorld.com is your single source on the World Wide Web for up-to-the-minute news on arbitration, mediation and all forms of alternative dispute resolution. An indispensable resource for the legal community and dispute resolution practitioners, ADRWorld.com keeps you on top of the latest developments in all practice areas, and gives you instant access to legislative and regulatory developments in all 50 states and the federal government, important court opinions, and a comprehensive library of statutes, court rules and policy documents.
American Arbitration Association (AAA)
The American Arbitration Association is available to resolve a wide range of disputes through mediation, arbitration, elections and other out-of-court settlement procedures. That the AAA has flourished for over 75 years affirms an unparalleled commitment to progressive leadership in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), and the Association's facility for change and service innovation. The history, mission and not-for-profit status of the AAA are unique in the field of alternative dispute resolution. It is, however, the Association's ADR resources -- its panels, rules, administration, and education and training services -- that provide cost-effective and tangible value to counsel, businesses and industry professionals and their employees, customers and business partners.
Arbitration & Mediation Center of Kentucky
USA Mediate (a division of Pinnacle Pro, Ltd.) was formed in late 1997 in response to the growing need for alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") services. There is no question that lawsuits are always expensive, but not always fair in their outcome. In the traditional adversarial approach, parties, and their counsel, are typically geared more to battle than settlement/resolution, and oftimes the cost of the battle exceeds the original amount of the controversy or obviates the real concerns and interests of the participants. Those cases also typically take far more time to conclude than necessary, whether due to the Court's backlog, a party's delay, or other delays inherent in the system. As a result, many matters which could have either been settled, or summarily resolved, become attorney-fee driven, or cause the incurrence of additional damages, and go to trial for the wrong reasons.
Arbitration and Mediation Center (AMC)
The Arbitration and Mediation Center (AMC) was specifically formed to meet the alternative dispute resolution needs of individuals, businesses, attorneys, governmental entities and the Courts of Sonoma County and the North Bay.
Arbitration Center of Mexico (CAM)
The Arbitration Center of Mexico (CAM) was established in 1997. It is a private institution concerned with the administration of arbitral proceedings under its Rules of Arbitration. It also aims to promote the use of ADR in Mexico through courses, seminars and other activities such as an Arbitration Moot organized annually jointly with the Mexican Bar Association.
Association for Conflict Resolution
The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) is a professional organization dedicated to enhancing the practice and public understanding of conflict resolution. ACR represents and serves a diverse national and international audience that includes more than 6,000 mediators, arbitrators, facilitators, educators, and others involved in the field of conflict resolution and collaborative decision-making. Anyone interested in the field of conflict resolution is welcome to join.
Canadian Commercial Arbitration Center (CCAC)
The Canadian Commercial Arbitration Centre (CCAC) is a private, non-profit organization, established in 1986. It provides services from its head office in Quebec City and from its second office in Montreal. CCAC is a founding member of the Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Centre for the Americas (CAMCA) and a member of the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions.
Chicago International Dispute Resolution Association
The Chicago International Dispute Resolution Association (CIDRA), established in 1997 as an Illinois Not-for-Profit Corporation, offers members the opportunity to participate in a new forum devoted exclusively to the resolution of private international business disputes.
Colorado Mediators & Arbitrators
Colorado Mediators & Arbitrators’ Dispute Resolution Professionals have had tremendous success in bringing challenging matters to a satisfactory conclusion. We closely match the nature of your dispute with a mediator or arbitrator who has experience & knowledge that pertains to your case.
Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Centre for the Americas (CAMCA)
CAMCA offers uniform rules of procedure for the out of court settlement of disputes administered by representatives from each of the member institutions. Cases may be filed by the parties with any of the offices of the member institutions. A multi-national panel of arbitrators and mediators is available to serve under these rules. To resolve local issues, impartial committees, representative of the nationalities of the parties and chaired by a national of a country other that of any of the parties, are available.
Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service
FMCS: Mission-Driven to Build Partnerships, Resolve Conflict and Promote Successful Bargaining The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, created in 1947, is an independent agency whose mission is to preserve and promote labor-management peace and cooperation. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with two regional offices and more than 70 field offices, the agency provides mediation and conflict resolution services to industry, government agencies and communities.
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
ICSID provides facilities for the conciliation and arbitration of disputes between member countries and investors who qualify as nationals of other member countries. Recourse to ICSID conciliation and arbitration is entirely voluntary. However, once the parties have consented to arbitration under the ICSID Convention, neither can unilaterally withdraw its consent. Moreover, all ICSID Contracting States whether or not parties to the dispute, are required by the Convention to recognize and enforce ICSID arbitral awards. Besides providing facilities for conciliation and arbitration under the ICSID Convention, the Centre has since 1978 had a set of Additional Facility Rules authorizing the ICSID Secretariat to administer certain types of proceedings between States and foreign nationals which fall outside the scope of the Convention. Additional Facility conciliation and arbitration are also available for cases where the dispute is not an investment dispute provided it relates to a transaction which has "features that distinguishes it from an ordinary commercial transaction." A third activity of ICSID in the field of the settlement of disputes has consisted in the Secretary-General of ICSID accepting to act as the appointing authority of arbitrators for ad hoc (i.e., non-institutional) arbitration proceedings. This is most commonly done in the context of arrangements for arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), which are specially designed for ad hoc proceedings.
International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution.
The International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution. CPR Institute is a membership-based nonprofit organization that promotes excellence and innovation in public and private dispute resolution, serving as a primary multinational resource for avoidance, management, and resolution of business-related disputes.
Since 1972 served as a Mediator, Factfinder, Arbitrator for both interest & grievance in the Public & Private sectors.
NASD operates the largest dispute resolution forum in the securities industry to assist in the resolution of monetary and business disputes between and among investors, securities firms, and individual registered representatives.
The National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals
The National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals is an association whose membership consists of ADR professionals distinguished by their hands-on experience in the field of civil and commercial conflict resolution, and by their commitment to the practice of alternative dispute resolution.
There is clear demand from attorneys, corporate counsel and individual parties to know more specific information about a given neutral: their experience, qualifications & certifications, language skills, dispute areas in which they have previously successfully mediated, and so on. The NADN website allows visitors to find the most experienced local ADR professionals as reviewed by local litigation firms, and expedites the scheduling process for both members and their clients. -
National Arbitration and Mediation
Founded in 1992, NAM has a nationwide panel of more than 1,700 top-tier former judges and practicing specialists uniquely qualified to resolve legal matters in a private forum. The company maintains rosters in every major city of the United States, with specific expertise in the areas of Complex Commercial, Personal Injury, Construction, Insurance, Employment and Real Estate dispute resolution. NAM offers disputants a wide array of conflict resolution options and tools such as arbitration, mediation, trial preparation services, mock jury trials, video-conferenced proceedings, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) training and program design services. Most importantly, NAM offers exceptional customer service and a knowledgeable staff of experienced ADR consultants.
National Association for Community Mediation
NAFCM'S mission is to support the maintenance and growth of community-based mediation programs and processes, to present a compelling voice in appropriate policy-making, legislative, professional, and other arenas, and to encourage the development and sharing of resources for these efforts.
Permanent Court of Arbitration
The PCA is perfectly situated at the juncture between public and private international law to meet the rapidly evolving dispute resolution needs of the international community. Under its own modern rules of procedure, which are based upon the highly regarded and widely used UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the PCA administers arbitration, conciliation and fact finding in disputes involving various combinations of states, private parties and intergovernmental organizations. Not only do states more frequently seek recourse to the PCA, but international commercial arbitration can also be conducted under PCA auspices.
Society of Maritime Arbitrators
Professional, non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the general public and members of the maritime industry about procedures for alternate dispute resolution in the maritime industry. https://www.hg.org