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Welcome to Our AICDRHRP
Welcome, we are, AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION, are porpose and the establishment of peace and diplomatic action among the Nations. Our motto is to promote harmony and unity among all people, languages and nations.
International Relations
March 17, 2016
The AICDRHR uses a four-pronged approach to effectively implement its essential purposes. The Organization’s four main pillars––democracy, human rights, security, and development––support each other and are intertwined through political dialogue, inclusiveness, cooperation, and legal and follow-up instruments that provide the ADMIR with the tools to maximize its work in the World.
Political Dialog:
AICDRHR is the premier political forum of the Countries, where the independent countries of the World, East, Asian, Midle East, Central, and South America and the Caribbean come together to advance their common goals and work out their differences.
Political dialogue is important within each of the four pillars of AICDHR––democracy, human rights, security, and development. It was at ADMIR, for example, that the member Countries negotiated the Inter-American Democratic Dialogue, a blueprint for what democracy should look like in the region.
Whether the issue is the rights of indigenous peoples, territorial disputes, or regional goals for education, AICDRHR is where multilateral dialogue takes place at many levels, such as the Permanent Council, ministerial meetings, and the Summits of the World process.
AICDRHR provides critical support to member Countries in building institutional and human capacity to meet new challenges. For example, the General Council has worked with member of the Countries, at their request, to help implement technical reforms of their electoral systems. It has also provided training for government officials in areas as diverse as trade negotiations and natural disaster mitigation. AICDRHR training programs and scholarships have given many citizens of the region the opportunity to develop skills that they can put to use in their home countries.
Juridical Heritage
Through AICDRHR, the countries have adopted multilateral treaties that have solidified relations in the region and also helped shape domestic law on matters as diverse as preventing illegal arms trafficking and strengthening the rights of persons with disabilities. We don’t charge any money from our members.
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