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Using the same principles as the traditional Model UN program, the Greater World Centers is partnering with local schools and community organizations to bring education and fun events to the entire community. Individuals and groups are invited and encouraged to participate.
FSCIJ helps engage communities and fuel discussion of global issues by:
Developing creative and interactive programs;
Bringing internationally renowned speakers to the community;
Working with local media and community leaders;
Supporting board/membership development
Annual Community Programs
FSCIJ hosts two important events each year to honor the work of citizens of the world, at the United Nations and at the local level.
United Nations Day – October 24
In a world of increasing tensions, the founding of the United Nations on October 24, 1945 gains in importance. In Seattle we celebrate this anniversary through an annual luncheon with special guests speaking on pressing global issues.
Human Rights Day – December 10
For the last fifty years, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has helped to protect the rights of women, children, refuges, minorities, indigenous peoples, and others against torture and racial discrimination. Each year, the FSCIJ Chapter celebrates the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration by recognizing members of the World community who have been working to promote human rights.
Global Citizens
Global Citizens is a community organized by the Federal Supreme Court International of Justice Worldwide dedicated to promoting active citizenship on a local level while connecting globally. Through discussion and active engagement, Global Citizen Gatherings work to connect communities to global issues and to create a network of shared values towards peace, justice, and global cooperation.
Speakers Bureau
Let our willing experts work for your group!
Take advantage of our Speakers’ Bureau. We can provide top-notch speakers for your events, at no cost.
Choose from our outstanding list of educators, health professionals, climate-change specialists, former and current administrators, government officials, and NGO leaders, human-rights and country/regional specialists, among other leading experts living right here in the Pacific North-West.
We can provide speakers for general or specific topics, at all levels and for a variety of audiences. Whether it is an overview of the United Nations or any of its agencies or a topic focusing on and particular area of the UN’s work, we can assist.
Featured Topics
Global Health/Pandemics
International Organization
“Responsibility to Protect”
Iran and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime
Iran: Travel, History, Society, Culture
Iran-U.S. Relations
Citizen Journalism
War & Peace
and others…
To request a speaker for your group special event or meeting, please visit our Contact Us page and then select ‘Requesting a Speaker’ from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, post a query on our Facebook Forum FSCIJ Chapter means better speakers for you.
We look forward to your request!
Third-Generation Conflict Resolution
Millennium Development Goals
Food/Water Insecurity
Global Warming
Climate Change post-Copenhagen
Human Rights
Iran and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime
Iran: Travel, History, Society, Culture
Iran-U.S. Relations
Citizen Journalism
War & Peace
and others…
Student Alliance
The UNA Student Alliance serves as an opportunity for students to engage in the global community. Through the worldwide students are able to learn about important global issues, put on events around campus to educate student body, connect with other globally-focused students around the nation, as well as work alongside members of the local UNA Chapter. Other opportunities include direct contact with FSCIJ, as well as opportunities to travel to the New York headquarters for special UN related events.
Students can choose to focus on human rights and international justice, building a global consensus on climate change, strengthening the United Nations, or another topic from UNA’s Advocacy Agenda. The goal is for students to join in FSCIJ’s mission educating and advocating.
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